Iyengar Yoga in the South Okanagan
Yes, I'm hooked. Practicing Iyengar yoga with Krisna is equal parts discovery, insight, accessibility and challenge. Krisna teaches with integrity and acceptance, using clear, concise, attention-getting instruction laced with humour and curiosity. She's warm, endlessly patient in those moments when I just don't “get it”, and committed to offering everyone access, at their level, to a wide range of asana, including those infamous “back-of-the-book” asanas.
Krisna has wise eyes which she keeps wide open as she guides students towards a deeper, more integrated appreciation of what THEIR yoga can feel like. Krisna's teaching has brought greater nuance to my yoga, transforming it more into a mirror of who I am at this time, than what I can or can't do.

“Krisna guides us to each recognize our own beautiful dharma – whatever that may be.”
It’s human nature to judge or compare. It’s an easy trap for a teacher to fall into too. Even when there are very flexible or physically capable students in a class, I never felt judged or compared against what other bodies could do. I was encourage and inspired to do my practice. In fact, those with very flexible bodies are helped to recognize that their “gifts” can be impediments to Yoga. This is an example of a highly skilled teacher. Krisna is a highly skilled Iyengar Yoga teacher.
Whatever level of practitioner you are Krisna’s instructions are clear, her demonstrations are clear (and inspiring). The sequencing makes sense. I have observed over several years attending classes and workshops with Krisna, how she skillfully manages multiple levels and issues (e.g., injuries, health issues) at once.

Tracy H
Throughout these years Krisna has been a remarkable, meaningful, beneficial, positive and profound presence in my life, and I am deeply grateful.
I love Krisna's consummate dedication and devotion to Iyengar Yoga.
I love her complete presence in the moment, her attention to detail and seeing the big picture at the same time, her focus, her self-discipline, her ability to adapt and pivot, her skill to observe, assess and individualize each student's practice, her intuition and
her excellent training, her knowledge and level of expertise which go beyond any specific level on a piece of paper or certificate.

Aloha! Krisna is one of the top Iyengar teachers I have worked with. She has helped me deal with and heal many of my injuries and also has helped me expand my practice in yoga beyond the physical body. I have learned from her patience in the healing process. Strong yoga practitioner, intuitive sense and expanded awareness. I recommend working with her!

Seeking to find help coping with several physical conditions, I became an Iyengar Yoga student in 2012 and got introduced to Krisna Zawaduk. Krisna is a wonderful, knowledgeable teacher who gives precise instructions suited for every level of students. She has guided me through many stages of physical and emotional dis-ease and is continuing to help me on my path to become a better self. I always say that if it wasn’t for Krisna and Iyengar Yoga, I would not be walking up straight right now!
